Getting Out of the Way

Creativity and the Arts as a Path to Awakening

How can the artistic method help us get out of our own way when manifesting positive, creative action in the world?

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MeeMee HeeHee and the Way of the Bodhisattva

How can performance artists follow the bodhisattva path (the intention to care as much about others’ happiness as we care about our own)?

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The Bodhisattva as Artist

What is the connection between the life of an artist and the way of the bodhisattva? What can exploration of koans teach us about being fully engaged on the Buddhist Path? How does responding to a koan help us embody the Dharma?

Throughout July and August we’ll be talking about Buddhism, art, and creativity.

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The Future of American Buddhism

Panel discussion in NYC with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Roshi Enkyo O’Hara, Shastri Ethan Nichtern and Mitra Mark Power. If Buddhist teachings such as mindfulness meditation are to inform, and transform,  the larger culture, what are our next steps?

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What would Rebel Buddha say to the American Psychotherapist?

If Rebel Buddha were an American Psychotherapist, what would she have to say? How would she teach and guide her peer psychotherapists? What is truly healing and beneficial for clients?

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Dzogchen Ponlop’s Aspiration for Western Buddhism

During a panel discussion with Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, Mitra Mark Power and Shastri Ethan Nichtern in the Cooper Union’s Great Hall in New York City, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche was asked, “What is your aspiration for Western Buddhism?”

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Using Inquiry to Unpack the Buddhist Teachings

image from flickr by clevercupcakes

Special Guest Post by Lama Palden

What happens when, instead of defending ourselves against our suffering, we welcome it with awareness? What is that like?

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Dreaming on the Dharma

image from flckr by peekaboop

Special Guest Post by Joan Sutherland, Roshi

As the Buddhadharma takes root in many lands outside Asia, we can expect the unexpected.  Are we dreaming the Dharma afresh, or is it dreaming us in ever-new directions?

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Psychotherapy as Preliminary Practice

Can psychotherapy support beginning meditators on their journey of self discovery?  Can a skilled clinician serve as a means for clients to glimpse their awakened state? Will processing feelings lead to a state of mental tranquility?

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Buddha Nature

Special Guest Post by Sharon Salzberg

When asked about self hatred the Dalai Lama said, “Self hatred. What is that? But you have Budddha nature. How could you think of yourself that way?” How can Western Buddhists gain confidence in Buddha nature and nourish our capacity to offer lovingkindness to ourselves?

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