“All cultures have their values and principles, but if we accept them blindly, without reference to their personal and cultural subjectivity, then they can become a source of confusion, of judgments about the legitimacy of other ideas or even the value of a human life.”
Towards An American Buddhism
America is such a melting pot. How can we have a genuine American Buddhism? What will it look like, feel like, taste like?
Staying in My Cave

What does it mean to practice the discipline of meditation, when your kids or your co-workers are driving you nuts? When you keep making mistakes? If you can’t get away to a cave, how can you face your demons?
How Do You Know What Works?

When we’re choosing a spiritual practice, a path or even a meditation teacher, what guidance can we rely on? Even though a friend may be having a great experience with it, how can we know whether it’s right for us? Shouldn’t we be at least as cautious as we are before we buy a pair of jeans or take a class in Japanese? How do we decide if the teachings of the Buddha are going to be a good fit?
Born to Be Free
The true meaning of freedom, the difference between dharma and drama, and how our rebellious intelligence — our rebel buddha — challenges all illusions that stand between us and the truth.
Heretic Buddhists

Are we in touch with our rebel spirit, always questioning and testing? Can we take our “no fear” approach too far? Or, by rigidly holding to the “right” rules and rituals, are we actually losing spiritual ground and just shoring up the ego? Is it possible to cut ourselves off from our own clarity and wisdom, all the while thinking we’re playing it safe?