Mindful Listening: The Music of Thoughts

How can we become good listeners? What might it mean to really hear and be open to ones own thoughts and feelings, and how is listening related to a spiritual path?

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Nothing Lasts Forever…When You Are A Parent

How can impermanence be a source of joy for parents? What parenting wisdom can be gained by understanding that ‘nothing lasts forever’?

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Family Life as a Spiritual Path

Why do we feel especially triggered by family relationships? How can we transform challenging moments with our family and use those triggers effectively on our path?

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The Future of American Buddhism

Panel discussion in NYC with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Roshi Enkyo O’Hara, Shastri Ethan Nichtern and Mitra Mark Power. If Buddhist teachings such as mindfulness meditation are to inform, and transform,  the larger culture, what are our next steps?

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Working with Our Confusion

Acquiring the skills and training to challenge our suffering and wake up the areas of our mind that are in a state of darkness similar to deep sleep.

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