Dzogchen Ponlop’s Aspiration for Western Buddhism

During a panel discussion with Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, Mitra Mark Power and Shastri Ethan Nichtern in the Cooper Union’s Great Hall in New York City, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche was asked, “What is your aspiration for Western Buddhism?”

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The Tour Rolls to a Close in Seattle

Juli Goetz Morser reports on the conclusion of the Rebel Buddha Tour with Dzogchen Ponlop and other Buddhist leaders in Seattle, WA on December 5.   Buddha dollar photo: Timothy Patterson. Tyler Dewar photo: Katia Roberts. All other photos: James Prouty

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A High Time in Halifax!

Debra Ross, Manager of Outreach for the College of Sustainability at Dalhousie University, reports on the Halifax event, featuring panelists Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Tyler DewarCarolyn Rose Gimian, and Scott WellenbachPhotos by Marvin Moore.

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Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Talks with Buddhist Geeks

What is the essential Dharma, beyond culture? How can we understand emptiness clearly? Is enlightenment a real possibility for anyone? Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche recently explored  these questions in an interview on Buddhist Geeks, brought to you again here.

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New AMAZON Review – Rebel Buddha

5.0 out of 5 stars very nice clear synthesis, November 16, 2010 By Robert W. Smith “Robert Smith, Ph.D.” (Virginia, USA) – See all my reviews (VINE VOICE) (REAL NAME) This review is from: Rebel Buddha: On the Road toMORE…

Rebel Buddha Tour hits NYC

The Rebel Buddha Tour has hit the road!  Field reporter Shane Michael Manieri offers this report from Sunday’s event in New York.  Photos by Helen Contino.

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REBEL BUDDHA is winning friends and influencing people in the blogosphere

The New York Journal of Books – “…the even-handed approach that Ponlop takes toward dismantling the structures of Buddhism to let their original force emerge speaks well for his mission. He brings from his Asian upbringing into his Western livelihoodMORE…

Rebel Buddha is here!

Rebel Buddha: On the Road to Freedom is now available. And if the author’s example is any indication, part of the spiritual path is not taking ourselves too seriously. So, in the spirit of rebel buddha, we’re introducing another fun mind-teaser: ever seen a pithy aphorism disguised as a drink ad? Go check it out.

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You can discuss Rebel Buddha with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

The Tricycle Book Club has chosen Rebel Buddha as its November 2010 selection.  What this means is that the Tricycle Book Club page will host a discussion all month long, open to all registered members of the Tricycle Book ClubMORE…

The Art of Buddhist Inquiry . . . Q & A with a Smile!

What’s the value of questions and questioning? How can we make the best use of our questions (and answers) to see ourselves and situations with greater clarity?

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